man holding his hands on open book
man holding his hands on open book

Statement of Beliefs*

Introductory Statement:

As a Christian institution, ICRTS holds to what are generally considered to be historically orthodox Christian beliefs. As an independent non-denominational entity, ICRTS adheres to the essentials of the Christian Faith and does not favor any secondary, tertiary, or other particulars held by any one denomination or independent church tradition.

The following belief statements are those that are held by ICRTS and not necessarily by ICRTS's patrons, research partners, or anyone with whom ICRTS may collaborate.

While ICRTS seeks to collaborate with others from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds, ICRTS prioritizes and approaches its research, resources, and other materials from a Christian worldview.

(See also "Values" on our general "About" page)


God is an uncreated, transcendent, and unique being who created all that is in existence. God is one and is also triune in nature; He exists in the three co-equal and co-eternal persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Father:

The Father is God and is the first person of the trinity who has existed eternally within the Godhead (with the Son and the Holy Spirit). He, along with the Son and the Holy Spirit, is the creator of all things.

Jesus Christ (The Son):

Jesus, the Christ (or Messiah), is God and is the second person of the Trinity, who has existed eternally within the Godhead (with the Father and the Holy Spirit). Jesus was incarnated through the miracle of a virgin birth through his mother Mary and took on a human nature. Jesus is unique in that in Him exists the fullness of deity and humanity; He is both fully God and fully human. He lived a sinless life and was thus able to be the atoning sacrifice for the sin of all humanity. He was crucified, resurrected bodily, and ascended to the right hand of the Father.

The Holy Spirit:

The Holy Spirit is God and the third person of the Trinity who has existed eternally within the Godhead (with the Father and the Son). He is presently at work in the world convicting of sin, righteousness, and judgment. He brings sinners to repentance and regenerates the lives of the sincerely repentant. He also indwells believers and empowers them to live holy lives that are committed and glorifying unto God.

The Bible:

The Bible is the infallible and all-authoritative word of God. It was written by men, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and is without error.


Humanity was created by God in His image and distinctly as male and female. Through the sin of Adam, humanity is in a fallen sinful state. Thus, humanity is in need of salvation from the fallen state of sin and the consequence of death that sin incurs.


A biblical marriage is defined as the bringing together of one biological male and one biological female. The marriage relationship is solemnized by both the male and female's vows one to another under civic and/or religious ministerial oversight.

Human Sexuality:

Human sexuality is to be practiced only under the confines of a biblical marriage.


As humanity is in need of salvation, there is only one means by which a person is saved; and that is by God's grace and through faith in the person of Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice.

The Church:

The church is an assembly of believers in Christ; it is Christ's body and bride. The church exists on earth as an instrument and continuation of the work of Jesus Christ until His return.

The Eschaton (The End Times):

ICRTS does not hold to any particular eschatological view (e.g., Premillennialism, Postmillennialism, Amillennialism, etc.). ICRTS affirms the biblical teaching of Christ's return bringing with Him the fullness of God's kingdom.

*NOTE: Amendments may be made to this statement at any time in order to better articulate and/or more accurately reflect the historical Christian Faith.